Frequently asked questions

Question: What does the green and yellow tables before my ad?

Answer: These tables shows the most suitable for your query (relevant) ads. In the green area considering the proximity of regions of the search and location of the vessel.

Question: Why did my ad in the "waiting" mode?

Answer: Waiting mode is choise when the ad should not be in the list of ads. Perhaps in your ad are confidential data.

Question: Is it possible to change the "duplicate" mode?

Answer: If your ad is in a "duplicate" mode, it means that the first information of the sale of the vessel we have received from another source. Change "duplicate" to the other mode possible in case the first source for a long time does not respond us. So we try to respect the interests of the brokers involved in the purchase and sale of ships. The surest way to avoid the "duplicate" mode - use the advanced search before adding the ads and try to find a ship that you want to offer for sale.

Question: Is it possible to change "duplicate" mode if I am the owner of the vessel?

Answer: Yes. But only if the person who first submitted the offer to sell your vessel for a long time does not respond us. Or in the case when he write to us that he will not involved in the transaction.

Answer: Please, if you decide to sell your boat, try to contact us. Then the probability of agents between us will be minimal.

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